Paper Reading on Compressed Sensing with LDPC codes


1. LDPC Codes for Compressed Sensing


1.1 Introduction

We present a mathematical connection between channel coding and compressed sensing. In particular, we link, on the one hand, channel coding linear programming decoding (CCLPD), which is a well-known relaxation of maximum-likelihood channel decoding for binary linear codes, and, on the other hand, compressed sensing linear programming decoding (CS-LPD), also known as basis pursuit, which is a widely used linear programming relaxation for the problem of finding the sparsest solution of an under-determined system of linear equations. More specifically, we establish a tight connection between CS-LPD based on a zero-one measurement matrix over the reals and CC-LPD of the binary linear channel code that is obtained by viewing this measurement matrix as a binary parity-check matrix. This connection allows the translation of performance guarantees from one setup to the other. The main message of this paper is that parity-check matrices of “good” channel codes can be used as provably “good” measurement matrices under basis pursuit. In particular, we provide the first deterministic construction of compressed sensing measurement matrices with an order-optimal number of rows using high-girth low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes constructed by Gallager.


2. Improving Distributed Gradient Descent Using Reed–Solomon Codes

Today’s massively-sized datasets have made it necessary to often perform computations on them in a distributed manner. In principle, a computational task is divided into subtasks that are distributed over a cluster operated by a taskmaster. One issue faced in practice is the delay incurred due to the presence of slow machines, known as stragglers. Several schemes, including those based on replication, have been proposed in the literature to mitigate the effects of stragglers, and more recently, those inspired by coding theory have begun to gain traction. In this work, we consider a distributed gradient descent setting suitable for a wide class of machine learning problems. We adapt the framework of Tandon et al. [18] and present a deterministic scheme that, for a prescribed per-machine computational effort, recovers the gradient from the least number of machines f theoretically permissible, via an O(f2)O(f^2) decoding algorithm. We also provide a theoretical delay model that can be used to minimize the expected waiting time per computation by optimally choosing the parameters of the scheme. Finally, we supplement our theoretical findings with numerical results that demonstrate the efficacy of the method and its advantages over competing schemes.

当今庞大的数据集使得有必要经常对它们进行分布式计算。原则上,计算任务分为多个子任务,这些子任务分布在由任务主管操作的群集上。实践中面临的一个问题是由于存在缓慢的机器(称为落后者)而导致的延迟。文献中已经提出了几种方案,包括基于复制的方案,以减轻落后者的影响。最近,受到编码理论启发的方案也开始受到关注。在这项工作中,我们考虑了适用于各种机器学习问题的分布式梯度下降设置。我们采用了Tandon等人的框架,并提出了一种确定性方案,该方案针对规定的每台机器计算工作量,通过 O(f2)O(f^2) 解码算法从理论上允许的最少数量的机器f中恢复梯度。我们还提供了理论上的延迟模型,该模型可通过最佳选择方案的参数来使每次计算的预期等待时间最小化。最后,我们用数值结果补充了我们的理论发现,这些数值结果证明了该方法的有效性及其相对于竞争方案的优势。



3. Gradient Coding



Full stragglers

